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"Laura is not only a midwife, she's a friend. She takes the time to talk to you about your pregnancy. Laura not only delievered my first baby, but two more after. She has been my rock when I needed her, and she gives her patients the extra care and attention most doctors do not." 

                                        -Monique H. 


I've attended several deliveries with Laura through my position as a doula with a local social service agency. My clients are typically young, first time moms. Laura has shown each of them such care and compassion, something that I've not seen with othe providers here in town. 

                                               -Jillian H. 


Laura is an amazing care provider and friend. I would follow her anywhere. She truly cares about all her patients and listens to their needs and wants with delivery. 

                                           -Steph F. 

Laura has always been supportive and caring. When I was in labor with my youngest child, I used Laura as my midwife. I was always extremely comfortable with her and felt she was always looking out for the best interest of myself and my baby. When I went into labor we waited to call her until we were ready to go ot the hospital. Turns out she was at a birthday party two hours away. A doctor from the practice she was with was covering for her. Despite the possibility she might not make it in time, Laura headed to the hospital, leaving her family party. I was forever grateful as 1. I would not have been allowed a water birth if she was not there and 2. I was very comfortable with her and wanted her there. She made it just in time and I was able to have my uncomplicated water birth! I am grateful for her dedication and care that she shows her patients. 

                                        -Lori S. 

At the end of my pregnancy, my perfect plans all started to fall apart. Laura came to my rescue like super woman. She enabled me to have the sort of birth experience I desperately wanted. I will always be eternally grateful!

                                  -Melissa S. 

I was pregnant with my first baby after years of trying. I was nervous to meet her. Would she be nice, would she explain things, would she take her time or rush me out of her exam room? I was blown away with her patience, her explanation of my questions, and made me feel like I was the only patient at the office that day. She is incredible. Her patience with my three day labor was even more impressive. She listened to me and never rushed my birth. Laura is an amazing midwife, I recommend her to everyone I know!

                                      -Desiree A. 


In the short amount of time that I've known Laura, I can tell how much she cares for her patients and how much she loves her job.

                                        -Gabrielle H. 

As a mom of five children, and an RN I am especially choosy about my maternity and gynecological care. Laura Lawson is the advocate every woman deserves and a true asset to this community! She listens to you and values you and your personal preferences making her an obvious choice and the only person I could ever recommend to fellow moms! 

                                         -Annette C. 


Laura was my rock during my emergency c-section and my strenth during my all natural VBAC. Never have I felt so cared for loved and empowered by any person, in the medical field or otherwise, then I did when I was under Laura's care. 

                                              -Allison Q. 

Laura was there for me through 2 of my pregnancies. She helped with my sons c-section. Laura goes above and beyond to help anyone. She always has a smile on her face. Laura is always supportive and shows alot of compassion. She talked me into trying to do a vbac with my 2nd child due too my body not cooperating it ended in a c-section. Before she started work she came to check on the babies and I. She always follows up to make sure everyone is ok. I personally love Laura to death. 

                                             -Shannon M. 

Laura's knowledge, compassion and experience made her an easy choice for me 8 years ago when deciding on a care provider four our first pregnancy. Although that delivery ended in an unexpected cesarean section, Laura understood how important a VBAC was to our family and supported us through a very healing birth with our second. When we decided to birth our third baby at home Laura gave us the information we needed to make the choice and respected whatever decision we made; that respect is the reason I recommend Laura to every woman I meet!

                                        -Amy R.


Laura helped me achieve the birth experience I needed to heal from my first traumatic delivery. She believed in me, gave me strength, and made me confident in my abilities as a woman.

                                       -Carolyne J. 


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NORMAL, IL 61704


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FAX: 309-740-4108

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